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as text
经验即课本,213  detail>>
 n.  1.原文,本文,正文;(文艺学等所说的)文本。 2.课文,课本,教科书。 3.基督教圣经经文,经句〔常引作说教题目〕。 4.主题,...  detail>>
this text
这段圣经  detail>>
to text
至文本  detail>>
advertisement text text of
advertisement广告文本  detail>>
em text emotes text
表情动作聊天  detail>>
text content non-text content non-text
文本内容  detail>>
text content, non-text content,non-text
文本内容  detail>>
a corrupt text
同原文有出入的文本  detail>>
a justified text
四周空白均匀的版面  detail>>
above text
在文本上面  detail>>
according to the text
依据这篇课文  detail>>